15 ene 2011


    Hemos celebrado en las dos localidades del C.R.A. la celebración de la fiesta del Halloween.

infantil Taramundi

1º,2º y 3º de primaria Taramundi

4º,5º y 6º de primaria Taramundi

Nuestros trabajos



  Durante unos días, en nuestras casas, estuvimos trabajando en nuestras calabazas y en nuestra clas de Inglés con nuestra Teacher Elena. Os mostramos unas fotos para que veais lo guapo que nos quedaron nuestros trabajos.

Halloween by Helen

When October is finishing we always celebrate Halloween at school. We decorate the English room and the hall with pumpkins and scary drawings and crafts.
All the children work about Halloween in their English lessons during a week.
We all like this funny celebration. Pupils make a face from a pumpkin at home and take it to school. On Halloween´s Day we take photos of the children with their pumpkins. Some of them are really amazing!
This year nearly all the children brought to school decorated pumpkins. They showed us that they are excellent artists!
We had the best pumpkin exhibition in the world!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I wish to thank my children (and their parents, of course) for all that hard work.

4º,5º y 6º de primaria

4º,5º y 6º

2º y 3º de primaria

maestra: Isabel

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